Published on December 6, 2005 By Liandral In Community
Hi everyone

I'm currently halfway through completing my first skin using sysmetrix but am finding the coding a wee bit of a challenge. I've done a search for a tutorial but cant seem to find any. Anyone know of something that may help?

Much thanks

on Dec 06, 2005
Ther's little to coding for Sysmetrix. What you need is all in the right-click menu. Other than making the graphics all "coding" is done through the Sysmetrix Configuration menu. Under "Theme Settings" are all the options you need and it writes it's own ini file. There's a Documentation option in the right-click menu that will help with the formatting issues. The easiest way to learn is to open someone else's file and see what they've down via Configuration Menu.
on Dec 06, 2005
Thanks ever so much - that was my error as I was trying to code the .ini file by hand and wondering why the dem thing was so hard!

Thanks again
on Dec 06, 2005
Your welcome.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.